Larissa Ray
Aug 30 • 9 min read

9 Proven Strategies to Improve Website Conversions

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Simply creating a website and waiting for it to grow without proper optimization is not enough in today’s digital world. Instead, you should integrate strategies to improve website conversions. In simple words, your webspace should not only attract visitors but also transform them into customers or subscribers.

Unfortunately, this is easier said than done! In fact, this is a difficulty many (if not all) businesses face. And even if some succeed in increasing conversion rates, they are unable to create lasting results!

According to studies, the average conversion rate for websites is approximately 2.35% across all industries. Yes, these numbers may seem discouraging to many but remember: They indicate a vast pool of opportunities for improvement. 

In this article, let’s discuss ways to bridge the digital divide between website visitors and conversions, taking your online presence to profitable heights. 

  1. Understand the Audience

One of website creators’ biggest mistakes is failing to comprehend their target audience. The layout of your website, content, and other elements should align according to your audience’s preferences and expectations. Neglecting this crucial aspect will hinder you from serving your website visitors effectively.

Start by crafting a buyer’s persona, pain points, and interests. With this information, tailor your website with design and content that resonates with their demographics. 

Let’s suppose you are an online fitness coach. For an audience-focused website, your content should include resources like tips for healthy eating on the go, quick workout routines, and motivational strategies. The layout should be clutter-free, with a neutral background in gray or white for a professional appearance. 

By adjusting your strategy, you can create an engaging environment for improved conversions. 

  1. Generate Compelling Content

Compelling and relevant content plays a pivotal role in driving conversions. Your website’s content should not just be informative, but it should also engage and educate the audience. Craft blog posts, videos, and infographics that provide value and address common pain points of the readers.

For example, if you are part of the tech industry, your content should include troubleshooting guides, comparisons of different products, and tips for effective use. Your vocabulary should be clear, concise, and relatable to the audience. 

Remember, high-quality content positions your brand as an authority. This fosters trust and loyalty, ultimately establishing a connection with your visitors and leading to higher conversion rates. 

  1. Utilize Effective Visual Marketing

We all know that visuals are a critical aspect of a website. Without the right blend of graphics and text, a web page will appear dull and boring. Studies suggest that websites with relevant images can get 94% more views than the ones without. And eventually, more views will translate to better conversion rates. 

However, incorporating visuals such as images, videos, and GIFs is not only about aesthetics. They should be consistent with the website’s layout and target audience. While high-quality custom visuals are ideal, carefully selected stock images from reliable sources can also enhance the content. But do avoid cliche options. Instead, search thoroughly to find visuals that help you maintain your connection with the audience. 

  1. Craft a Seamless User Experience

An engaging and trouble-free user experience is pivotal in boosting website conversions. Visitors are more likely to become customers when they find a website easy to navigate and informative. Here are some tips for creating an easy-to-access page:

  • Optimize Loading Speed by compressing images, choosing a reliable hosting provider, and utilizing a Content Delivery Network (CDN).
  • Avoid Clutter by keeping your layout simple and organized. Use a straightforward navigation system with clear menu buttons to ease the visitor’s browsing experience. 
  • Ensure a Mobile-Friendly Design that adapts seamlessly to different screens and devices for an uninterrupted user experience.
  • Provide Clear Value Propositions by highlighting your offers clearly and concisely. Add headings and subheadings to convey the benefits of your products/services helps visitors understand what you offer and why they should choose you.
  • Add CTAs that are prominent and aligned to the visitor’s journey. Use powerful and action-oriented vocabulary in your CTAs to entice the audience. 
  1. Include Social Proof

Almost 98% of buyers read online reviews to learn about local businesses. This gives potential customers a better idea of what to expect and whether they should consider a purchase from them. 

To integrate social proof of your business, take testimonials and reviews from satisfied customers. Include their names, photos, and even video testimonials for added credibility. Real experiences from real people build trust and influence others to take action.

Highlight the positive reviews prominently on your website. Doing this will encourage the viewers to make similar informed decisions – leading to improved conversions. 

  1. Use Short Checkout Process

An overly complicated or lengthy checkout process can lead to cart abandonment and lost conversions. Simplify this process by limiting the number of steps and forms required to complete a transaction. 

For example, only take essential data instead of asking for detailed information from the buyers. Offering a guest sign-up option is also a good idea to avoid forcing users to create accounts. 

Additionally, there should be multiple payment options for the consumer’s ease. A ‘Pay Later’ module such as Apple Pay Later or Klarna is also helpful.

  1. Add Live Chats

Often website visitors have queries or concerns about a specific product or method before making the final decision. And while you may have an FAQ section, sometimes they are unable to replicate the real-time response one gets from a salesperson at a brick-and-mortar location.

However, on a virtual platform, you can use a live chat option to replace physical assistance. This will provide real-time support, allowing visitors to ask questions, seek assistance, and clarify doubts instantly. Your audience will also prevent abandoning the website when they find satisfaction in their uncertainties.

  1. Create Abandoned Cart Emails

Many of us have added items to our online carts but left midway during checkout. Regardless of the reason, the abandonment can negatively affect a website’s conversion metrics. 

To avoid this issue on your website, we suggest sending out abandoned cart emails to remind the visitors about the forgotten products. Consider adding an incentive, such as a discount or free shipping, to entice users back to their carts. You can also highlight the demand for a specific product by mentioning its limited stock. The urgency will create a FOMO in the audience and prompt quicker action from the potential buyers. 

  1. A/B Test the Metrics

A/B testing is a proven data-driven method that allows website owners to compare two versions of a webpage to identify the one that performs better. After all, a strategy that works for one industry may not be lucrative for the other. Closely monitoring the results can help you identify the areas of strength and weakness for better results. 

Test different elements of your webpage, such as layout, visuals, content, and CTA, to figure out user interactions and preferences. Refine your approach according to the elements that resonate most effectively with your audience. Knowing what’s working and what’s not will take the guesswork out of your marketing strategy and help you successfully drive conversions.

Final Thoughts

In the dynamic digital world, improving website conversions requires a strategic approach to ensure visitors transform into loyal customers and subscribers. Use the above strategies as a roadmap to guide your website toward profitable heights. 
Remember, the journey of better conversions is an ongoing process. So continue to refine your digital marketing strategies, test out new ideas, and stay updated with the audience’s changing demands. Through dedication and consistency, you can achieve stable growth and retention.

Why am I not getting conversions?

If your website has low conversion rates, consider checking the relevancy of the traffic. If you are not attracting the targeted visitors, your site may suffer from a high bounce rate, low engagement, and decreased conversions.

How to calculate conversion rates?

Take the number of conversions and divide that by the number of clicks or visits to your website. Multiply the answer by 100. For example, if you had 25 conversions and 1000 visitors, your conversion rate would be 2.5%.

How do I track conversions on my website?

You can easily do this by setting up Google Analytics on your website and defining your goals.

Which website has the highest conversion rate?

Google, with an 8.2% conversion rate, has the lead in all websites. The search engine is closely followed by Bing (7.6%) and Facebook (8.0%).

Hey there, I am Larissa Ray, a content writer who has a deep passion for words, eco-friendly living, and traveling. As a lifelong learner with a Bachelor's degree in Psychology, I have found that writing is an excellent way to communicate my ideas and passions to the world. I especially enjoy writing about health and wellness, but I'm confident that I can tackle almost any subject.

In my free time, I love spending time with my children, working out at the gym, or indulging in my favorite show, The Originals. I'm also an avid reader, particularly of self-improvement books that help me develop both personally and professionally.

Overall, I believe that writing is not just a job, but a way to express my creativity and help others. My goal as a content writer is to inspire, educate, and engage my readers through my writing, whether it's a blog post, an article, or a product description.